Sunday, July 17, 2011

What solutions are available for a self-hosted portfolio website?


I am trying to find a simple yet solid solution for a self-hosted photo site. I have been through a bunch but have found them outdated code-wise (Gallery2), technology-wise (Flash based) or just plain ugly or disorganized (Coppermine).

I am considering using non-photo CMS like WordPress simply because the themes look good and the user interface is so simple, but would like to know if there are any other options out there.

P.S.: Please don't mention photo sharing sites like Flickr, Picassa, etc. I'm not interested in anything that is not self hosted. And nothing based on Flash, please.

Edit. I am a web developer and have no problem working with code/servers/etc, just wondering what options are out there, most everything I have seen is dismal.


My favorites are ProPhoto and RawFolio. Both of these are going to cost you money up front and both of them have self hosting options. They even have the option to install the software for you if you decide that is the path you want to follow.

You will find that the ProPhoto blog is used across the photography industry. It is hard not to run into this template at some point if you view a lot of photography websites. I personally like it, and am very happy with its customization options. The backend GUI is very intuitive, and the support staff is very helpful if you need further customization added.

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