Saturday, April 28, 2012

How can I do this with my image?


I saw this series of images:

original photo reduced to 2 colors edges only final image

(Click on an image thumbnail to see it larger)

So I want to get the same from my image:

my original

I got as far as reducing the colors to 2 (binary):

enter image description here

But I'm having trouble with the next steps.

Asked by Daria


Based on the sample set of images with the baby and the cat, here is what I believe has been done:

  1. The original photo was 2-bit posterized, with a low contrast highlight color and black for the darks.
    • This should be done by duplicating the original photo to a new layer and posterizing the new layer.
    • The levels tool can be used to bring the white point down into gray.
  2. The original photo was run through an edge detection filter.
    • This should be done by duplicating the original photo to a new layer and edge-detecting the new layer.
    • Invert the edge detected layer if it is dark with light lines, so it ends up with light with dark lines.
  3. Blend the posterized layer with the original photo layer.
    • You can probably use one of a variety of blending options...use whichever produces the effect you want
  4. Blend the edge layer with the composite of step #3
    • You could use a "Darker" blend, which would allow all pixels below the edge layer to show through unless the edges are darker than the lower layers
    • You might also try using a screen or overlay filter and some contrast tuning to make the edges show up in a different way
Answered by jrista

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