Friday, December 16, 2011

What is good equipment to buy/hire for a generalist photographer, new to event photography?


I'll soon be covering an event, and my existing lens set isn't necessarily ideal for low-light people photography.

As with many events, this may be both indoors and outside, and runs throughout the day, so need to be prepared for all sorts of lighting.

Of course, there are lots of non-equipment things to consider - such as scouting the venue in advance to get a better idea of potential conditions, and other possible pitfalls mentioned here.

Equipment-wise, I have a Nikon D300s and a D70.

My current lenses are:

The 30mm can do low light, and will be fine for general/scene shots, but not great for individual people/portrait style shots, since it requires getting in close.

The 70-300mm is bad in even a little dim light, and in general is slow and crappy.

So what would be a good lens to buy or rent for someone not yet an experience event photographer?

Is there any other equipment that would be useful to have? (for example, is a battery grip beneficial, or is a pair of charged spare batteries sufficient?)


I would think at least one external flash that you will be able to bounce off of walls etc is not only a "nice to have" , but probably a requirement for event photography.

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