I've been playing around with some time lapse sequences shot from the roof of our building in New York. It's terribly windy and the resulting sequence exhibits some slight camera shake.
I'm seeking a software solution to align the images to compensate. Note: I don't have PhotoShop.
Aligning can be done for example with stitching-programs like Hugin.
- add all you pictures to the hugin-project
- let the pictures be analyzed/matched by "align image stack" (Images - Tab: Feature-Matching)
- add some points if needed (Control Points - Tab)
- set optimization to Position and Translation at the most (Optimiser-Tab)
- Optimize (Optimiser-Tab)
- check with "Preview panorama" (button above)
- go to Stitcher-Tab, set Projection to "Rectilinear"
- choose Output as "Remapped images"
- stitch! :D
You will get your pictures remapped into several exactly overlapping ones in the choosen format/size (Stitcher-Tab: Autocrop can remove nonoverlapping borders). It's a nice side-effect and prerequisite of stitching, I used it to create ghost-images (people swinging down a slope: put them five times into one picture), just stitching them together later (using enfuse/enblend on command line).
Hugin can do much more (like every decent stitcher, I guess), for example remove your barrel distortion and also vignetting. Look into optimizations for that.
Check more discussion of this question.
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