Tuesday, October 25, 2011

How can I manage my raw+jpeg files?


I shoot in raw+jpeg mode. Mainly because I like to do post processing, but my wife doesn't wan't to be bothered with that. She likes to be able to take the photo and upload it to facebook without any other steps.

After a session out with the family, I can easily come home with 300+ photos. Most are good, but some are not even worth keeping. They may be blurry, over exposed, etc...

Right now I go through the files and delete any jpeg/raw combo that I don't want. Is there any (preferably free) software that will help manage them? It would be nice if it would link the two together so when I rename/delete/move one it does it with the other as well.

If you have any tips on how you manage your files, I am all ears.


If you are looking for a free option Picasa is probably your best bet. You can match it up with Gimp to do some more advanced editing. The preferred solution by many is Adobe Lightroom, which you can find on sale for around $130USD right now I believe.

Depending on the camera that you bought, you likely received a disc of software with it that may even include some pretty good digital asset management software of its own.


This question that has many answers might help you, although it does cover paid as well as free options: What software is focused on reviewing and organizing images?

A great group of articles can be found at this link: http://www.neocamera.com/article.php?id=dam-software It explains in more detail about how using digital asset management software can benefit the photographer, as well as going into detail about the paid options available.

A blog post at this very site may help you out as well, it specifically outlines the options available in Adobe Lightroom, but the same basic feature set exists in any digital asset management software such as Picasa or Apple Aperture. Here is the blog post: http://photo.blogoverflow.com/2011/10/lightroom-fundamentals/

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