I'm interested in efficient processing of RAW photos on Linux. I've played with RAW a little, but so far I've always reverted back to JPG as I can't be bothered to spend hours doing post-processing. But if I could find a pretty quick way of tweaking RAW photos then I might try again.
There are many tools for working with RAW files in Linux, but which of them let you do things like:
- correct the white balance on one photo and then apply that to a whole set of photos?
- have a process of a couple of clicks per photo in some application?
or is RAW post-processing simply not worth doing if you don't take the time to process each photo individually?
May I suggest RawStudio? It has support for batch operations of the type you're asking for, and has dramatically simplified my post-processing workflow over my old approach of ufraw + GIMP. If you're familiar with similar "workflow" products on other platforms, the UI should feel pretty comfortable.
Check more discussion of this question.
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