Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Are there any downsides to applying the lens correction profile in Adobe Lightroom?


Assuming that you are using a good lens profile, say one that Adobe has predefined in Lightroom, are there any downsides to automatically applying the appropriate lens correction profile when the photos are imported?

The lenses I am shooting with appear to be correctly identified by Lightroom so there is no risk of the wrong profile being applied.

It seems to me that applying it would give you the most acurate representation of what ever it is you are photographing.

Asked by Joe Solano


Most post-process lens corrections will cause a loss of detail, as they are not just modifying how the raw pixels are interpolated and what mathematical curves and adjustments may be applied...they change the position of pixels throughout the whole image. At the very least, you'll lose some amount of sharpness, and fine detail may be lost in some areas of the photo. Unless you have some very specific need, such as a photograph of a brick wall that is clearly demonstrating barrel or pincushion distortion, or pronounced CA, generally speaking I would avoid applying any lens profile.

If you want a simple rule of thumb...if your photo is clearly unacceptable without lens profile correction, and acceptable with it, then use a lens profile.

Answered by jrista

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