Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Is it possible and/or a good idea to print digital photos to slides?


I've been thinking about ways to project large images onto a wall or screen, since that's a fun way to share them with a group: i.e., the classic slide show. But LCD projector resolutions are still poor compared to camera resolutions, and HDTVs have the same problem to a lesser degree as well as being non-portable. Both are expensive.

However, slide projectors can be had fairly cheaply, and the whirr of the fan and the ka-chunk of the slide advance are fun sounds.

Thus: Is it possible to print digital photos to slides that can be projected with a standard slide projector, either at home or by outsourcing to a lab? And if so, what are the advantages and disadvantages?


Yes, this was very popular in the 90s when lots of labs did PowerPoint to slide services. Have a look at the Wikipedia article on Film Recorders. A commercial operation still offering this service in the uk can be found at digitalslides.

Polaroid used to manufacture a desktop slide (The ProPalette range) writer which was essentially a CRT and camera in a desktop unit; you may be able to find one of these on eBay - here is one currently active on eBay

Output to slides is commonly done as 4096x2372; and the images you'd supply would need to be exactly the resolution required by the lab you're using.

You can output to slide and make some very good projections from these at 4k resolution, and as you rightly say slide projectors can be picked up for quite a low price on eBay at the moment. The costs are about £3 per slide, and with a 4k digital projector costing about £15k you can output a lot of slides before you reach that.

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