Tuesday, November 1, 2011

How many actuations are “too many actuations”?


When looking at used camera bodies, a question that comes up a lot, is "how many shutter actuations, or clicks, does it have?"

What I am wondering is, how many is too many. In other words, is there a reference for knowing when a sensor is more likely to go? How should I judge a camera body with 20000 vs 5000? Is that a significant difference, or is that not even relevant.

Obviously this might something that is dependent on model, so if there is some information based on model that would be even more interesting.

One of the guys at Canon Tech Support said that this is completely irrelevant for the Rebel series cameras, but he is obviously slightly biased. :)



A great resource for looking at camera bodies and shutter life is the Camera Shutter Life Expectancy Database. For those that have DSLR's, spread the word and submit your #'s!

Different camera bodies have different MTBF ratings. Some more important factors are how the person cared for their camera and the typical environment. Regular dust cleaning, for example, helps a lot.

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