I am pretty sure I have dust inside of my Sony a55 SLT (Single Lens Translucent). However I'm not sure how to get rid of it or where exactly it is. I think it could be either on the translucent mirror or the sensor itself. It's in the same place each time, but mostly occurs on images with a high f number (e.g. F22 etc)
An example image (cropped):
Would a general sensor cleaning kit remove the dust form the translucent mirror part?
I'm unsure of what to do as it's not a conventional mirror like in SLR cameras.
Any recommendations on a good cleaning kit? To be honest I'm slightly scared about it all as I don't want to destroy my camera!
You have dust on the sensor. The higher the F-stop the more noticeable they are.
To get to it you have to release the small latch at the base of the translucent mirror and lift it manually.
If that happens rarely, I recommend you have it done in a store. The charge about $25 and they have a lot of practice doing it. Some stores here even do it for free if you bought the camera there.
The other option is to do it yourself using a wet-clean solution. The one I use is from VisibleDust. You need to buy a small bottle of liquid and some compatible swabs. The swabs get used once and are disposed of after. One set of swabs plus liquid cost about $80. You'll be able to clean a dozen times or so with this.
Avoid using a blower, compressed air or anything similar. It usually only puts more dust on the sensor, even those with filters on the intake are only marginally better.
Check more discussion of this question.
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